Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Thanks for Thanksgiving

Every 4 years my mom's side of the family gets together at the place my parents met.  My mom's sister married into the family who owns the lovely Jacob Lake Inn right on the North Rim of the Grand Canyon.  It's a place full of memories for me and my cousins: we all worked there for years of our childhood on the hunting weekends when they needed extra help, and some went on to work there during summers after high school.   So this was a year to go to the beautiful Kiabab forest and enjoy ourselves for Thanksgiving.

Olivia has a favorite job: dishwashing! But only at Jacob Lake where there's a huge sprayer and enormous professional dishwasher to shove the trays into- I must admit it's pretty awesome.  Olivia spent most of her time either washing dishes, clearing tables, or getting drinks or food for people.  She even passed up sledding, and sometimes eating just so she could help out.

The lodge was closed for Thanksgiving Day so we got to use the giant grill in the kitchen to make our own breakfast- the boys seemed to enjoy this a lot.  My little brother Geoff was dressed like a cowboy for some reason.

 Jayda quickly caught the vision of helping to bus tables and was very proud of the dollar she earned, which of course she spent on gum.

 It was my favorite day spending it in the kitchen cooking and baking.  Aunts, cousins, sisters, sisters in law all spent a few hours in the kitchen getting the big meal ready for 80 people!!!  Adrian was in charge of the green bean casserole.

 Here is the famous "Auntie M" Aunt Melinda: she pretty much runs the show and is completely at home in this complicated bakery.

 I spent most of the day in the kitchen/bakery enjoying the smells and the people, and occasionally getting a little taste of the yummy food.  The sweet potatoes were the best I've ever had- recipe to  come later.

 Melinda Jr. or Bubby as we all call her, practically grew up here in the bakery so she knows what she's doing.

What cute little Schofield sisters!

The turkey was beautiful (after brining over night)

Uncle Steve knows what he's doing with a knife!

Even Tate and Holden got in on the action of clearing tables and helping with dishes.

Grandma Beth, my dads mom lives only about 30 minutes away in Fredonia, so she came for the meal.

Getting ready to feed their faces.

Cute Holls getting ready for the big meal.

Petter and Livi did most of the post meal dishes and both said they had so much fun.

Since my Grandma was there, I decided to give her the blanket I made for Christmas- it fit perfect.

Here is Beth and Landri Beth. Landri and I are the only descendants named after Beth.

My parents brought a karaoke machine they borrowed from a neighbor who bought it in the Philippines. The song selection was a bit limited, and every song (even the hard rock) sounded like wedding singer stuff, but we had a great time.  Crystal rocked Air Supply!

And my dad rocked Ricky Martins' "She Bangs"- it was hilarious!

On Friday a dedicated few showed up for yoga- they look like they had a great time- ha ha

My cute cousin Becca and here little munchkin were inseparable- even while hiking around at the Grand Canyon.

I love this picture of Jayda tromping through the snow to get a good look at the amazing view.

Andy and his boys posing at Angels Landing.

My sista and I

When it was time to go home, I pretty much had to pull her away from the dishes.  Now that we're home she wants that to be her job everyday.
 On Thanksgiving, I was thinking about the things that I'm most grateful for.  The temporal things like heated seats in my car, knitting needles, my reformer, warm house, and yoga came to mind, and the more important things like each person I'm blessed to spend my days with and the fun vacations we take together made me think about how truly blessed I am and I feel thanks for Thanksgiving and will try to have that gratitude everyday!

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