Monday, August 30, 2010


Fall is my absolute favorite time of year- the freshness in the air, the change of color, the change in clothes (I adore sweaters and anything cozy) and the change in pace from summer.  I loved summer this year- we played a lot and did a lot of fun things but I'm so glad to be starting back on a routine and feeling a little more planned out.
We will be starting homeschool next week (after labor day) and I am feeling a mixture of emotions about it: excitement for new books, curriculum, information- and dread about whether it will be a good year or not and whether I can deal with my kids and their sudden bickering.  I know that sibling fighting is normal but I'm not enjoying or liking it at all.  So, my approach this year will be more prayerful planning and more alone time for my kids so when they are together it is more of a treat.  This weekend I got some things ready for fall and school.  I froze tomatoes for the first time (it's supposed to taste fresher than canned) and planned the schedule for the school year.  I have decided that my focus this year as far as school goes will be a stronger focus on studying the scriptures with the kids (instead of just reading) and more memorization of everything: poems, history facts,  Latin, science stuff, spelling, grammar rules and math facts.  I'm excited to have Jayda be more a part of our schooling this year and think it's going to be great, I'm excited to teach her cursive and reading!  We take Fridays off so this year we will plan more field-trips and outings and have a ton of fun.  I think and hope that we have the recipe for a great year- good luck to me!
getting ready to show some sweet swim moves
Along with the busy school stuff, we also have other things going on; the girls have started another year of ballet at the Barlow Arts Conservatory and with that comes my teaching pilates and yoga there at the studio for trade (I love trading).  Olivia is changing violin teachers because her current teacher is moving away to college, so we are trying to figure that out, and thinking about starting Jayda on an instrument.  Simeon has been taking those amazing swim lessons where my two year old can totally swim- so we drive in to Draper everyday!  Jayda takes the opportunity each lesson to wear her swimsuit and hang out in the hot tub while Sim does his swim lesson. With everything going on we are busy, busy, busy but loving it all!

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