Friday, August 27, 2010

First post ever!

I'm feeling a little bit out of my league here, I've never blogged or scrap-booked so this is totally unchartered territory for me.  I've been feeling lately that I need to be better at writing in my journal and especially writing about the great, fun, amazing and silly things my kids do/say, so hopefully since I'm at the computer so much this will fill that void and turn out to be great.  Summer is coming to an end and we are officially starting our new books and things the day after Labor day so this week and next are kind of the prep period before homeschool starts.  Last week we went to Lake Powell with my parents- it was wonderful!  Toward the end of the week my sista Holly and brother Geoff came to join us, later that day the Devine family arrived.  We had a great time and it was hard to come home- I was fine wearing a swim-suit all day and playing in the water and laying around a lot- it was lovely!  My kids were in heaven too, all three of them were swimming to their hearts content and being doted on by the wonderful Devine family.  It was so fun to see Terry Devine engaged in the fishing excitement with my girls and hearing the three of them talk about how they caught so many fish or how the fish in the water sucked on their fingers.  The talent show was a huge highlight (as always) and it was so fun to see everyone showing off their mad skills.  There was singing, dancing (sometimes together), pushup display, Macbeth recitations, other poetry recitations, card tricks, yoga party tricks (my only displayable talent) and Holly even walked on her toes.  Terry (a golf pro) even brought his driver and showed us a few tricks and taught us a thing or two (I need many more lessons).  Glady was always making everyone feel wonderful about themselves and giving foot rubs, while the big girls were entertaining my kids.  Over all a great week!


  1. I HEART Lake Powell. I'd live in a suit and play in the water all day if I could too! Sounds like a good time. I think you'll love blogging, it's such a great way to document all your good times...before you know it, they'll be grown. :D

  2. Great start, Jamie! The way to climb a ladder is to start with the bottom rung, and then take it one step at a time, eh? Your pictures and stories are so important - it's perfect that you are blogging! Love you! Aunt Karen
